Thursday, April 12, 2012

Table of Content

TOC : Blood Pledge The First
Kembara Ke Utara

PROLOG : Arden - Sepuluh Tahun Dahulu

INTRO : Pulau Naga Beradu - chat with TT, w/ uncle Gugel, w/Zerakul,
Follow the White Rabbit, Acara Tahunan Pulau, Boat Travel (journey)

BODY 1 : Arden - Arden-old beggar, Giran-richest man, Ivory Tower, WW Castle, Desert Test, Oasis

BODY 2 : Utara - ke utara : lokasi 1, loaksi 2, lokasi 3

CONCLUSION : Separation

EPILOGUE : on the boat to Arden, w/o Awang


TOC : Blood Pledge the Second
(Kg) Lembah Serigala --> (Alterac Valley) --> Kg Ivory Tower --> Ivory Tower --> [travel to daerah Utara] --> conquer 1st town/castle --> conquer second fort (in short time interval!) --> diplomatic mission to Orc/Elf town --> (transport logistic from 2nd town to Orc Fortress --> abandon 2nd town, keep 1st town, solidify orc fortress --> (dominate elven forest?) --> threaten the next fort/castle --> berunding ke Arden -->second death.

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