Friday, April 6, 2012

No Mask Like Open Truth 2

another situation where open truth is the best deception.

two armies preparing for a big battles, where normally there are 2 or more strategic location for the attacks. the leader of army A, realizing there is a spy in his camp, still allow that spy to report his finding.

the spy reported, for example, army A will attack location X with 10,000 armies. and will send 500 men to location Y.
the leader of army B is no fool (and that is why he is the leader!). he knows that no sane general would allow their strats be known to the enemies. so he decided that army A will actually attack location Y and will use location X as decoy. this is why I can create another saying :

the smarter one is, the bigger fool he is. or,
lebih bijak seseorang itu, lebih banyak dia kena tipu!
(contoh, yang terpedaya dengan skim cepat kaya membabitkan puluhan ratusan ribu atau juta, adalah orang2 'bijak'. sebab tu mereka mampu 'invest' sebanyak itu. kalau org biasa mana mampu nak keluar duit ribu2.)

so, basically army A menang mudah. kerana leader army B tidak percaya akan 'kejujuran' leader army A. another case of No Mask Like Open Truth for me.

in my story, the leader of army A believe he would WIN ANYWAY, whether leader of army B moves his troops to X or Y. so it is the truth he CAN AFFORD to reveal.

ah yes, one of the 'syarat' for open truth is, he has to be ready to accept/deal the truth himself.

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